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Electrical Problems vs. Computers2023-10-20 17:10:12
Electrical Problems vs. Computers

Because of voltage fluctuations as well as economic considerations, a non-linear power supply known as the switching power supply, was developed by computer manufacturers. Power conversion is no longer accomplished at 60 Hz. AC-DC conversion is accomplished by a converter, which operates in the 20-100 kHz range.

Personal computers, workstations, local networks and other accessories that use these power supplies or this technology are very sensitive to problems caused by electrical energy. Electrical issues can cause many problems on linear loads and other devices such as transformers, motors, circuit breakers, fuses, etc.

These problems are often very evident. Meanwhile, other hidden electrical problems are caused by voltage spikes, voltage surges, brownouts, as well as by electrical noise on the lines and can bring about different consequences:

  1. Voltage spikes, while brief, can destroy data stored on disk or on magnetic tape, modify memory, and even cause serious damage to equipment (example: the breaking of a disk drive’s reading head).

  2. Electrical noise is usually the worst of these problems because we cannot detect it without specialized instruments (ex.: recording device, oscilloscope, etc.). Noise can interfere with data signals by causing data transmission errors between the many components of a system. Certain noise in the high frequencies can even travel through circuit paths and destroy integrated circuits.

  3. Harmonics produce an increase in the resistance of the conductor (skin effect) and, in turn, an abnormal common mode (neutral-ground) voltage difference. This will cause undesirable ground loops to occur.

  4. Voltage surges which exceed normal voltages by 20%, affect numeric data, produce reading errors on verification systems, and damage equipment. Temporal fluctuations produce parity errors and interrupt protection systems.

  5. Brownouts often lead to losses and even unresolved errors concerning central memory data or when data is being stored on disk or magnetic tape. In certain cases, if the brownout lasts long enough, it can cause an automatic shutdown of certain equipment.